Check out some commonly asked questions!

All our orders are secured via secure SSL shopping. A Secure Sockets Layer, or SSL certificate, allows you to view your site over an HTTPS connection. Basically, it secures the connection between your browser and the site you’re visiting.

Shipping and handling is the process of preparing and packing an order and then sending it to a customer. You will often see shipping and handling as a set of fees incurred on top of the order value and taxes. It covers logistics costs like labor, packing supplies, inventory storage, transportation, and delivery.
USPS takes care of all our shipping costs and delivery so their fee is added onto the final price of your order

There is a section titled " add note " in the the "my cart" window. Before you check out, make sure you write a note so we can be informed of it being a gift!

Unfortunately, due to the nature of our products and current climate, we are not accepting exchanges or returns at this time. Sorry! But we cannot risk the return of any used or tampered with items in such times. Please be sure that your cart is correct before check out! If your package has been destroyed/tampered with because of the delivery driver/car, please contact them for reprimands.